Our services are delivered across Tamaki Makaurau

Mahitahi Trust is a Kaupapa Māori Mental Health and Addictions service provider, committed to helping individuals and whānau achieve spiritual, cultural, mental and physical wellbeing. We provide a range of Te Ao Māori community-based, primary mental health, addictions, housing, and employment services. From Mercer in the South to Wellsford in the North we support whānau from pēpi to kaumatua.

For all referral enquiries, please email Mahitahi Referral Support - referrals@mahitahi.co.nz or give us a call on 09 262 4533.

Adult Services

Services for Pakeke, Kaumatua, and Kuia

Services for Pēpi, Tamariki, Rangatahi, Taiohi

Youth Services

Koru Blue Gradient Short

Te Whakapā

Contact Us

Phone: (09) 262 4533

Fax: (09) 262 5069

Address: 15a Ronwood Ave, Manukau, Auckland 2104

PO Box: PO Box 97537, Manukau, Auckland 2241

Mahitahi Help